Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Leaky bits. 20th July 2010

Since the Doc took my paper stitches off last week, there has been an increase of manky stuff leaking from my breast wound. I put clean jammies on last night and by this morning they were pretty messy so I figured it best to ring the breast care nurse. She said I should see the Doc today, as its probably infected.
Had an appointment for 3.30pm but Em and I arrived an hour early. They were very good though and we were seen within 5 minutes. Mr Gandhi was busy so I saw another Doctor ( didn't catch his name). The nurse was very impressed with the dressing Em had applied! Anyway, as suspected, its infected ( hence the shooting pain I have had). They squeezed lots of gunk out and then took some out with a needle. It actually felt a bit better almost immediately, although there is still lots of fluid to come out. Have to go back on Friday to have it checked again.
I asked again about the coil I have, and if it was in any way responsible for the cancer. He said probably, as the tumour was responsive to oestrogen and progesterone. Up til now, everyone I have asked has said emphatically that it is a coincidence. Hmmm. Going to have it taken out this week.
Em remembered to ask the grade of tumour. It was a grade 2. Not particularly aggressive but seems to have gone wandering quite early on. Impatient like me! He explained why I need more surgery and I now kind of understand it. He also siad that the cells found in the safety margin weren't actually cancerous, but potentially cancerous and therefore the breast was not the priority but the rest of my body in case of it spreading. I felt a little better at this ( I am so easily pleased these days). He said I should hear from Christies very soon for my scan. I am dreading this but at least I will know. At the moment, every little twinge or pain I feel is another tumour to me. Just want to hurry up and get it over with.

1 comment:

  1. It's always worse in the 1st yr apparently ( so they say), I am the same and often check out other parts of my body 4 lumps. Hoping this will become more of a routine and not an obsession. xx
