To say I have been scared about today, would be a gross understatement. I haven't slept for 2 nights. Every twinge or pain or day without going to the loo has been cancer spreading. Its the not knowing part that is far worse than the reality of what is actually happening.
Anyway today was D Day ( or S Day to be more precise).
I had 2 appointments. One for a scan at 9.45am and another to see a consultant at 3.00pm. I thought this was either a bad clerical error or bloody good service. The leaflets say you get to see an consultant within a week after your scan to discuss the results. I arrived at The Christie at 9.30am and headed off to the Pat Seed department. ( I actually remember Pat Seed raising funds for that unit many years ago) A nurse came to see me within a few minutes of me arriving. She explained that I would have to drink a 'contrast' fluid over a period of one hour. It makes all your organs show up properly in the scan. I would also have a cannula put in cos they have to inject another 'contrast' thingy while you are having the scan. This shows everything up in the scan. I nearly fell off my chair when, a few minutes later, she returned with a jar full of liquid. I did enquire if I had to drink it all, as there seemed such a lot! Yes, I did. 2 cups first, then another cup every 15 minutes. When my hour was up, they called me in to get undressed and have my cannula fitted. Once again, I wished them luck with the veins. The nurse cheated by asking which one the anaesthetist used and pounced on that one! JEEZ, THAT HURT. Now I am not a mard arse by any means....I am from Salford, but that hurt. Shortly after, they called me into the scan room. The scanner is like a big polo mint and not scary at all. The nurse warned me that the injection might feel a little warm as it has to be pre heated, and that I may feel like I had peed myself. Ok, thats fine as long as I don't actually pee myself. The scan took about 10 minutes and I didn't pee myself, and yes, it did feel like I had.
You have to wait 15 minutes to have the cannula removed ( I think this is a health and safety measure, in case you pass out)
Cannula out, and I'm only 3 hours early for my next appointment!
I tried to wander outside with a coffee for a while but I got bored and thought I'd try my luck throwing myself on the mercy of the receptionist at out patients. I explained to her about the bad scheduling and she said it wasn't a problem and she would slot me in earlier. First, I had to have some blood taken and have an ECG, then back to waiting.......
In all fairness, I only waited about 20 minutes, so I can't complain. I was shown to a consulting room and told someone would be with me shortly. As usual, in hospital terms this means about half an hour. Now, don't get me wrong. I cannot speak highly enough of the treatment and the pleasant, caring staff I have met since this whole thing started. Everyone from porters to consultants have been incredible and I would not hear a word against any of it, or them.......however, they have this terrible knack of sticking you in a room, alone but for a ticking clock and telling you that someone will be with you shortly, and then leaving you there waiting for ages and ages when your head is in bits. Whinge over.....
Mr Howell. my consultant was lovely. I was a bit worried when he asked if I had somebody with me though. He asked me how I was and what had happened so far. He then started asking lots of questions about past health and family history. As usual, I explained I have no family history of breast cancer. He then asked if there was any family history of bowel or lung cancer. It was at this point when I first thought " Oh shit, what have they found??????" He asked to check my wounds and that my infection was going or gone. I wasn't paying too much attention at this point as I was convinced I was about to be given a death sentence. " That all looks great" he said " Have you had a CAT scan yet?" Now at THAT point , I nearly did pee myself!! He hadn't seen my results! He was just asking general questions! and I calmed down a little!!! He went to check on my scan results. I chatted with Bethan, my breast care nurse and it was very hard not to cry, I was sooo scared. This was it!
Mr Howell came back in. " I'm no radiographer" he said " but your scans are fine. No sign of any spread or tumours" I actually wanted to kiss him at that point, to jump up and punch the air shouting " oh yes, come on!!" I restrained myself, needless to say. He must have thought I'd lost the plot at this poit, he is talking to me about my hair and nails falling out...more surgery...side effects of drugs...and I'm sat there grinning saying " yeah..thats fine..great" Crazy woman!!
I was a little bit shocked to hear that I will lose my hair much quicker than I thought. In the next 4 weeks. This means the sponsored head shave has to be in the next 10 days. Lots to organise!!
All in all, a very positive, good day made even better half an hour ago when I got a mail from Wendy. ( You remember, the lady in the bad opposite in the hospital). Her scan was clear too and she starts her chemo on Thursday as well. I have a chemo buddy!!
I told Em the nurse said my hair will grow back fluffy and soft like baby hair and she said " aww Mum, that will be sooo cute" Gotta love her. I had sent Mikey a text telling him everything was ok but he didn't get it. I'm glad really, cos I got to tell him in person and we had lovely cuddles and I gotta love him too.
We are off to my uncle's birthday party on Staurday so we are putting on our glad rags and having some beers and some fun cos for the first time in a long time, we have something to smile about. I love my family very much and they make it all worthwhile.