Thursday, 6 September 2012


Well, they sent for me quite quickly. The 6am start was a bit rubbish. Didn't know there were 2 6 o clocks in a day! As usual, my 2 troopers were by my side, well at least until I fell asleep on an examination couch in the waiting room. They struck a vein first time...very impressed. Maybe they are improving? I think I was only in theatre for about an hour or so. Came around at about 1.00pm because I heard the words 'sandwiches and tea' Emz arrived a while after and insisted on force feeding me glasses of water so I would pee and be allowed home, which I eventually did. Had a few stomach cramps for a couple of days but nothing too painful. The most painful part is waiting for results. Read lots of internet posts about polyps and Tamoxifen. On every page I looked at, the word Cancer seems to jump out. Tamoxifen apparently can cause cancer of the womb lining. I really don't remember them telling me that!!
After what seemed like weeks, I had a letter from the hospital. Panic over. The cysts they took are benign and I am officially discharged. I still don't know if the Tamoxifen caused the problem but so far so good.
I am off to a funeral tomorrow of a dear friend taken way too soon. It's a long drive, but I would like to say my goodbyes. The lovely Dennis lost his battle against this god awful disease. I am one of the lucky ones. Still here to tell the tale and to keep nagging you all to KEEP CHECKING!!!!!!!

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