Monday, 1 November 2010

22nd October 2010. Nearly Halloween

I have bought a big tin of choccies for the nurses at the Nightingale. Everyone has been so brilliant there. I am hoping that today will be my penultimate abscess packing. Well. I say packing, the last one was just a case of sticking some gooey stuff over the hole. The nurses have always maintained I would get my Halloween soak in the bath, so its fingers crossed.....or NO CHOCCIES!!
Lauren, the nurse was just as pleased as I was that the hole was indeed, healed up. It still looks hideous to be honest but maybe it will get better with time. Win, win...I get my bath and the nurses get their chocs.
Actually having my bath felt really strange. I'm not sure why, but I was really nervous about lying down in the bath. Managed it though and it was aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. By the time I got out, I had wrinkles on my wrinkles! Now.....wrinkles. Lordy knows what is in these chemo drugs but they don't half mess up your skin, and your nails. I have the strange nail density thing as well. Half way up my nails, they thicken and ridge, which hurts when you try and use your nails for anything.
I am officially now looking bloody old. On the up side, it feels like I am growing some hair back. Its kind of soft downy baby hair. Well it would be an up side if it wasn't grey!! Speaking of hair....Emz has once again tried to bleach her hair and yes....once again it is ginger. She is insisting on continuing with the bleach until it either goes blonde or falls out.
We took her to have a look at Leeds Uni. She was quite taken with it and I think it will be her first choice. It was bloody freezing though! Taking her to Bangor Uni this week, so we are going to have a few days in Wales and take Pa with us....assuming he is up to it. He ended up in hospital again and was sent home without any treatment. We'll see.
Chemo 5 of 6 on Thursday!!! Woo hoo.
Keep checking !!!

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