Saturday, 27 November 2010

The Last Chemo !!!!

Well,that is that. My last chemotherapy session. It went fine, like all the others really. The blood nurse couldn't get blood from my left arm, so she used the right one,likewise for my chemo cannula.
It was great picking up a prescription for only my injections, knowing it was the last time.
The pains started by Sunday as I expected. This time, everything seems harsher. The side effects are much worse and I am having more of them. I am convinced they give you an extra strong dose as a last boost. My mouth is full of little ulcers, I can't feel my fingers and toes and everywhere hurts. I can't taste food at all, everything tastes peppery. I refuse to get down about it though,because there is light at the end of the tunnel and if I am being honest, it really hasn't been as bad as I expected and it is saving my life!!
My appointment with Mr Gandhi, my surgeon, was short and sweet. He has scheduled my operation for December 15th. He said I may even be in and out in a day, as it is a simple op. Basically he will take away some more breast tissue where the margin showed up some pre cancerous cells. I won't need drains or anything, so I will be allowed home as soon as I recover from the anaesthetic, which knowing me will not be the same day! On the bright side, I should be well again for Christmas.
A week after my chemo,the pain is nearly gone apart from in my arms. I am a bit worried about he right arm, hope I'm not getting lymphodema cos its that stretchy kind of pain that I had for the first couple of months after my op but it's in both arms...odd. The tiredness is difficult. I can't walk too far,it hurts. However, my new years resolution is to get myself fit and well so that should be ok.
Doc says I can't have radiotherapy until Feb or March which is later than I thought, but it still means my treatment will be over in time for spring. My baby hair is coming along nicely...grey..but getting there. I am hoping my eyebrows follow soon!!
Went to an interesting meeting at Genesis on Friday. The future for breast cancer prevention is looking good. It will probably be many years before a DNA test can be done to check if someone will get breast cancer, but it will happen.
Will keep up the blog as and when I have news. Until next time.....KEEP CHECKING!!!

Monday, 1 November 2010

Chemo 5. 28th October 2010. Nearly there!!

Mikey has a few things to do before we head off to Wales, so he's going to drop me at Christie's then pick me up later. Typically, the one day when I would have been better with an early appointment, I get a later one. Went and did blood tests first, as usual. I asked the nurse if they would be checking my blood sugars, due to the risk of inducing type 2 diabetes. I have been really thirsty this past few weeks, so am a bit concerned. The nurse told me to go and ask my doctor to authorise another blood test just to be on the safe side, which he did. There was a delay of at least an hour in clinic, but when I explained that I needed to be in Wales before 5pm ( the camp offices closes), they saw me pretty much straight away...result! Went straight to the chemo ward, hoping the clinic back log would mean I got my chemo early. Bugger......a 2 hour delay!! Mikey rearranged things and went to pick up Dad, save him stressing! Went in the dining room for a spot of lunch. It really did end up being a spot too, on account of the fact that I left nearly all of it. Healthy 'creamed' mash doesn't really work.
Back to the ward for my drugs. Dave, the nurse was very nice and said he would chase up my bloods once the drugs were on. He returned with my results. 'Normal levels are between 5 and 7 " he said. Mine were 14.7!!! and he said I should go to my doc asap. Now, I'm not one to whinge and moan but come on. If i am being honest, I always knew i would get the family diabetes curse but I could really do without it right now!! Dave the nurse says it might go away again after the steroids, but it will come back. I am now looking up any side effects I haven't had with this new drug!!!!!
On the bright side, we made it to Wales safe and sound. Emz didn't like Bangor, so it looks like Leeds Uni. The weather was poor but enjoyed spending time with my family. Didn't win at bingo, so I am now officially turning into my mum!!!
By Saturday night, the pain had started. Didn't stop me and Emz going to the fancy dress party!!
Will probably be in bed feeling proper sorry for myself for a couple of days now. Until next time.....KEEP CHECKING!!!

22nd October 2010. Nearly Halloween

I have bought a big tin of choccies for the nurses at the Nightingale. Everyone has been so brilliant there. I am hoping that today will be my penultimate abscess packing. Well. I say packing, the last one was just a case of sticking some gooey stuff over the hole. The nurses have always maintained I would get my Halloween soak in the bath, so its fingers crossed.....or NO CHOCCIES!!
Lauren, the nurse was just as pleased as I was that the hole was indeed, healed up. It still looks hideous to be honest but maybe it will get better with time. Win, win...I get my bath and the nurses get their chocs.
Actually having my bath felt really strange. I'm not sure why, but I was really nervous about lying down in the bath. Managed it though and it was aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. By the time I got out, I had wrinkles on my wrinkles! Now.....wrinkles. Lordy knows what is in these chemo drugs but they don't half mess up your skin, and your nails. I have the strange nail density thing as well. Half way up my nails, they thicken and ridge, which hurts when you try and use your nails for anything.
I am officially now looking bloody old. On the up side, it feels like I am growing some hair back. Its kind of soft downy baby hair. Well it would be an up side if it wasn't grey!! Speaking of hair....Emz has once again tried to bleach her hair and yes....once again it is ginger. She is insisting on continuing with the bleach until it either goes blonde or falls out.
We took her to have a look at Leeds Uni. She was quite taken with it and I think it will be her first choice. It was bloody freezing though! Taking her to Bangor Uni this week, so we are going to have a few days in Wales and take Pa with us....assuming he is up to it. He ended up in hospital again and was sent home without any treatment. We'll see.
Chemo 5 of 6 on Thursday!!! Woo hoo.
Keep checking !!!

16th October 2010

This has been one heck of a week. I have spent it in bed. The pain took a week to subside, I have an abscess in my groin ( fortunately nowhere near as bad as the boob one!). Its a bit of a catch 22 really. I certainly needed the painkillers, but they make you itch terribly and bung you up too!!! Actually, this would be a great Harry Hill moment.......I like not having the pain but I don't like the itching.....Which is worse?? There's only one way to find out!!!!! Anyway, it was all better by Thursday night, Thank goodness