Had my first time of being sick today. I don't think it was a chemo thing though. It was more than likely to do with my infection. I have taken my temperature a couple of times now, and it never goes above 36.6 ish. Made Mikey a sausage muffin and then we packed up and headed off to Dad's. Needed to call in at Ange's to print off the booking confirmation for our jollies!. It was one of those rare occasions when we get to see Gabs ( Gabs doesn't normally do daytimes!) We now know it was because she wanted to see 'The Wig'. Both Ange and Gabs tried on the 'Squirrel'. Ange looks quite good in it and should grow her hair like that, and Gabs......well you can see for yourselves on the pic. I am saying nothing!!
We decide to catch up later for the quiz in The Phoenix.
We took our stuff up to Dad's and Ash tried on the 'squirrel'. Ash really suits it too and wants to borrow it to go to the pub in.
The quiz was ok, if a bit hectic and we won which is always good. ( 37 quid in vouchers to spend in the pub! Not bad). Dad must have had one too many voddys because I came back from the loo to discover that there was now a picture of him wearing the 'squirrel' ( see photos. Sorry Pa)
Very looking forward to our holiday!! Plan to get up earlyish and go and have a MacD's breekie with Ash before we head off.
Had a real problem sleeping again. Dad's sofa bed isn't the most comfy in the world but I will sleep on the way to Scotland.
Got up at 6.50am. Felt a bit dizzy and sick, so lay back down again. Got to 6.45am and I figured it was just easier to get up and make a brew than lie there trying to sleep. Stood up and noticed a damp patch on my pyjama top...oh bloody hell..not the leaking again!! When suddenly, all this fluid started pouring from the side of my breast. I am panicking now for 2 reasons....firstly, because this is not a constant trickle of fluid...this is someone turning a tap on! And secondly, where the hell is it coming from? I don't have any wounds in the side of my breast..healed or otherwise!! Whilst grabbing handfulls of tissues and shoving them all over my chest to stop this stuff pouring on the carpet, I am trying to wake Mikey up. "Mikey! What's happening?" " Mikey. Where is this stuff coming from?" I was so frightened, there was so much stuff and blood. Not lots of blood, but I had never had this stuff before. Mikey jumped up and had a look. It WAS coming from the side, but it couldn't!! What the hell was happening?
" Right" says Mikey, " I'll go and get the car and we'll go straight to the hospital" I got dressed while he went for the car. I upgraded to kitchen roll cos the tissues just weren't doing enough soaking up.
They were great at A&E and saw me pretty much straight away. A nurse came and did all the obs stuff and said a doc would be in shortly. Dr Gareth ( who I think may have been a younger cousin of the paramedics 2 days ago !!!) came and checked me over. He said that yes, there was a roaring infection going on and that it would need to be treated with IV antibiotics ( 4 times the strength of the tablets!) and that I would be admitted into the hospital for at least 24 hours to get the infection under control. Woo Hoo.....more needles!!!!!!!!! Great. I don't have anywhere left on my arm or hand that isn't already black and blue from Fridays jabs!! It doesn't stop them though and within half an hour I have a new cannula and had 2 lots of blood taken. I am getting sooooo fed up of this needle thing. I really am starting to resemble a pin cushion.
The young Dr Gareth has asked one of the surgeons to come down and have a look at me before they take me up to the ward. I have sent Mikey home to dad's to get himself some coffee and a bite to eat.
An hour later, the surgeon arrives. He isn't a breast surgeon but he says he has made an appointment at the breast care clinic in Ormskirk at 2.30pm. He says that I will not be admitted because the IV drugs alone won't help, that I need a scan and possibly some surgery.......Bloody hell., he's only been in the room for 2 minutes. He says " any questions?" To be honest, I had about 300 but I was a bit shell shocked. He left to get me a referral letter just before Mikey came in with Dad, Ange and Ash. Aww it was quite a family gathering. Gabs had sent me some puzzler books ( there were a few left that she hadn't done!!!) bless!!
I was explaining what the surgeon had just said to my coach load of visitors, when the nurse came back in. I told her what he had said and she said" No, you must have misunderstood. I'll go and check whats happening" I was right. She came back in to take off my drip and remove the cannula. I get dressed and try to look on the positive side.....If the specialist says that all the fluid is out and the infection can be controlled by tablets.....and I can get by for a few days...then....maybe we could still go to Scotland tomorrow. ( Mikey had phoned them earlier and said we would be a day late). Hey. This might not turn out too bad after all!!
Heading back into Southport in the car, we are all starving ( except Mikey who has had toast) and we have about 15 minutes to get to Weatherspoons before they stop serving breakfast. We pull up opposite at 5 minutes to and just make it!! Yummy. Just need a quick Primark trip for new spare jammies and then we get to continue Mike and Roz's tour of hospitals in the north west. I am seriously considering writing guide books for the NHS.
The breast nurse said there are 2 holes now, in the side of my breast, just kind of ducts that have opened up because all the fluid and stuff needs to find a way out! I really don't like the sound of that!!
Anyway to cut a long story short the specialist says it would be a very bad idea to go to Scotland and that I need to see my surgeon asap to find out what on earth is going on in there. If I am being honest, I am very worried that if this keeps happening, especially as my chemo progresses and I find it harder to fight infection that someone, somewhere along the line is going to recommend that I have the breast removed and I really really don't want that to happen!
So that was that. Holiday cancelled. I feel really guilty ( Yes, I know its not my fault!) We were all looking forward to it so much, especially Dad. Sometimes, just sometimes. It would be nice to take one step forward and stay there!